400 Pine Street Extension
East Aurora, NY 14052
Jeffrey Stoll, General Foreman
Brian Halt, Water Foreman
Christine Cappola, Senior Account Clerk
716-652-6057 (T)
716-652-0960 (F)
The Department of Public Works, with a crew of 15, completes the following responsibilities:
For complete information on trash collection, recycling and disposal of hazardous waste, please see the Trash and Recycling page of the website.
Here is the Village's sidewalk snow removal policy. The Village Code also addresses this issue:
§ 223-22 - Ice and snow removal. The owner of lands fronting or abutting any street, highway, traveled road, public lane, alley or square, shall make, maintain and repair the sidewalk adjoining his lands and shall keep such sidewalk free and clear of and from snow, ice and all other obstructions. Such owner shall be liable for any injury or damage by reason of omissions, failure or negligence to make, maintain or repair such sidewalk.
In the Village of East Aurora there is no on-street parking allowed from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. from November 15th to April 1st. There is no overnight public parking allowed in Village lots from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. Please be mindful of certain areas along Main Street that prohibit parking beyond two hours everyday except Sundays and legal holidays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Monitoring Inventory Locations
**IDDE Complaint Form- click here **
MS4 Report
-Hamlin Park Master Plan: click here
-Appendix A: Click here
-Appendix B: click here
Please follow the link to contact NYSEG for any street lights that may be out in your area and need to be fixed: Report Streetlight Outage (nyseg.com)