Trash and recycling collection are included as contracted services, funded by Village taxes,
for residents and business owners that meet collection criteria contained in the Village Code.

Weekly collection is limited to four, 32-gallon containers per property, plus one bulk item is allowed,
along with unlimited recycling. Excess amounts will not be picked up or allowed to be left at the curb.

Please be aware that all homeowners are responsible for the purchase of their garbage receptacles and the condition of their garbage cans.

Full size garbage and recycling totes with wheels and a lid may be purchased from Modern directly by calling Customer Service at 716-754-8226.

Additionally, tags are sold for $5 each which may be placed on added bags that will be picked up.
Tags may be purchased at the Village Clerk's Office. Recycle containers are also available for purchase
for $16 each. Cash or checks are accepted.

See the Schedule for Trash Collection, including when collection is changed one day for a holiday.
See which streets are collected on which days here.

See the full Modern Brochure here, with helpful information including:Tips to Help in Collection: When to put carts out; how to position your cart; how to fill your cart
Recycling Guidelines: What items may and may not be placed our for recycling collection
Other Services Available from Modern: Septic & Grease Trap Service; Construction & Demolition Service; Residential Roll Off Service; Portable Toilet Service; Commercial Service


YARD WASTE Drop-Off  April 5-Oct 25        
Saturdays only -  9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the DPW, Pine Street Extention yard waste lot
    *****Drop-Off Any Other Time Is Prohibited*****

BRUSH COLLECTION  April 7-October 14

Brush Chipping Only, no yardwaste pick-up is done curbside. Collection at the beginning of each week.

LEAF COLLECTION October 15-December 5 (weather permitting)
Leaf Collection will begin October 15th and continue through December 5th weather permitting.
(Should snow begin prior to 12/5, collection will end early).
* Leaves should be raked and piled at the curb, not in the street.
*Bagged leaves or leaves in containers will not be picked up.

Dates and locations for Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection (pre-registration required);
and an option for a voucher program to drop-off up to 50 pounds by appointment

Electronics Recycling: Erie County provides a list of places that accept electronics to be recycled.