April 4th and 5th ~ 8:00am to 6:00pm
We Properly Collect and Dispose of:
Paints • Herbicides • Pesticides • Cleaners • Solvents
Gasoline • Aerosol Cans • Flammable Liquid
Hazman will be charging $1.50 per pound for these items on-site.
We are accepting Credit Cards and Venmo
2025 Rain Barrel and Compost Bin Sale
With NEST Subsidized Composter Kits- RESIDENTS PAY $30
Do Not Delay Ordering!
Our products ship from Canada and to avoid thepotential tariff charge,
we need to have items across the border before April 2nd
Subsidies for rain barrels and compost binsare limited and available only in targeted municipalities
See webpage for details.
Purchase online:
The Village DPW is happy to hold a Spring electronic recycling pick-up event again this year. Dates of pickup will be April 28-May 2 and will be the same date as your garbage/recycling pickup. The same rules and requirements apply as last year, please place items apart from your garbage/recycling near the curb so the DPW staff can pick them up. Acceptable (and non-acceptable items list is included in this announcement). Anything not acceptable will not be picked up and will remain the property owners responsibility to dispose of.
Please be advised that the Village of East Aurora quarterly water bills will look different in March 2025. As we transition to a new billing system, more options for viewing and payment will become available to you in the future. At this time, we do recommend payment via cash or check in office or by USPS(postmark) to ensure accurate account posting. Electronic payments may encounter delays due to the system conversion which may result in delayed account posting and late fees. Thank you for your understanding.
Village Offices are closed in observation of Martin Luther King Day
No Change in Trash Pickup
The Village Clerks Office will be closed Wednesday, January 1st in observance of New Year's Day
The Village Clerks Office will be closed Wednesday, December 25th in observance of Christmas
Please Note: All of the Zoning Board of Appeals December Applicants are rescheduled to the January 9th Zoning Board of Appeals meeting at 6:00PM in the Board Room at 585 Oakwood Ave, East Aurora, NY.
Capital Committee meeting notice
Monday, December 9,2024 at 6 pm
Village Offices Thanksgiving Closure - offices closed November 28 and November 29
Tree trimming will be occuring throughout the Village by the utility companies. Please visit the following website for more information.
Village of East Aurora
Please take notice that the Village of East Aurora is accepting Bids for Fire Department Flooring.
Specifications for the Flooring can be obtained at the clerk’s office.
All sealed Bids must be submitted prior to the Bid opening on October 3rd, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Village of East Aurora Council Chambers.
BIDs in sealed envelopes shall be delivered to the Clerk’s office at Village Hall, 585 Oakwood Ave, East Aurora, NY 14052.
Please mark the sealed envelope with “BID for Fire Department Flooring.”
Contact Maureen Jerackas at 716.652.6000 for questions on the BID specifications.
Maureen Jerackas
Village Clerk‐ Treasurer
9/14/2024 8:30am-1:00pm
Registration is now open and time slots can be reserved by going to
There is NO FEE for this service, but a reservation is required.
Please take notice that the Village of East Aurora Board of Trustees will conduct a public hearing. The hearing will be held on August 13th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Village Hall, 585 Oakwood Avenue, East Aurora, New York. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a local law to amend Chapter 177 of the village code – Parks.
Tax bills have been mailed
The Village of East Aurora is excited to announce a Village-wide residential electronics pick-up event. The event is scheduled for April 1st-April 5th and pick-up will be on the same day as your garbage pick-up takes place. The Department of Public Works trucks will be out that week picking up your old electronic items for recycling. Please be sure to put them out to the curb next to (but separated from) your garbage and recycling.
*We hope this event will help our residents to do some spring cleaning while providing a responsible recycling option to better our environment*
Please note the following requirements included below (a more detailed list of acceptable/unacceptable items is also on the Village Website under Trash/Recycling)
• MAXIMUM of 5 tube televisions -OR- 2 Console TV’s per residence; all other electronics are unlimited
• Like garbage pick-up, anything unacceptable for electronic recycling
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the next General Election for the Village of East Aurora, New York, will be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, from 12 noon – 9 pm at the Municipal Building, 575-585 Oakwood Ave, East Aurora, NY 14052. Please note the location.
The offices to be filled and the terms thereof are as follows:
One (1) Village Trustee to fill a remaining term of three (3) official years each.
Composter Kit for sale through NEST (Northeast Southtowns) available to all Village of East Aurora residents. Orders must be placed and paid for online by 4/15/2024; municipality delivery planned for May. Flyer available on the Trach & Recycling webpage with specific details.
The Village Offices will be closed November 23th and 24th for the Thanksgiving holiday.
There will be sewer inspections performed over the next few days, and smoke will be used during the inspections.
Homeowners are responsible for repairs of water and sewer lines running from their homes out to the street connections. Older homes and homes with older trees may be at risk of these lines failing, which can result in costly repairs. Service Line Insurance is available from countless insurance carriers to cover these repairs and the monthly premium costs are generally quite modest. Persons with trusted insurance agents or brokers should contact those persons to inquire about this, or check with a current carrier providing general homeowner's coverage. Otherwise, options to purchase these policies can be found online. When researching and making inquiries, comparisons should be made as far as premium costs, what is covered (and what is not), deductible amounts and limits of coverage.
Sign up to receive Emergency Alerts on the CodeRED system, now live in the Village of East Aurora and Town of Aurora.
CodeRED is an emergency notification service that allows emergency officials to notify residents and businesses by telephone, cell phone, text message and email regarding time-sensitive general and emergency notifications.
How to Register for CodeRED Alerts
Registration is Required and Event is Limited to 700 Participants
Latex Paint Collected will be Recycled by the PaintCare Company!
The Village of East Aurora Department of Public Works (DPW) is hiring a Laborer to fill one full-time career position – unionized and Civil Service. Starting pay $18.07 up to $19.67 with Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). Incredible benefits valued up to an amount equal to annual wages, including NY State Retirement, health, vision, dental and life insurance, shift differential pay, longevity pay, 13 paid holidays, paid personal days, paid sick and vacation time off, with safety wear and boots provided.
Scheduled work is 8 hours on weekdays with overtime available, as needed. Must be 18 or older and have a driver’s license. CDL helpful, but will train the right candidate. Must be able to meet the physical demands of the Laborer position. Must be a resident of Erie County.
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a great organization with plenty of room for advancement.
If you are in the offices of the Village Clerk or Town Clerk, please take a moment to say Thank You! for their service. This week is the 54th International Celebration of Municipal Clerks' Week! See the Mayor's Proclamation!
Resolution for Opposition to Natural Gas Ban: click here
Erie County is starting preliminary design for work to be done next year on both Maple and Pine Streets. Residents may see survey crews working beginning mid-September. The County plans to hold public information meetings in the Spring.
July 9th from 8:30am – 1 pm.
Registration is now open and residents can reserve their spot by registering on our web-site at or by calling the HHW hotline (716-858-6800). The big news is we are now collectingpaint for recycling. This is a no-cost service to residents for HHWdisposal and paint recycling.
Erie County Grant for Storefront Revitalization: click here
"Erie County has announced the start of the StorefrontRevitalization Program. The County Executive has dedicated $10 million oftax revenue from online sales during the COVID 19 pandemic to assist brick andmortar businesses who were adversely impacted during that time.
The program will grant small businesses up to $40,000 for exteriorrepairs to their storefronts. One of their primary objectives is tofund Storefront façade improvements in every municipality in Erie County, butthat requires that eligible businesses in each municipality apply."
The Western New York Honey Bee Producers, Inc. will remove swarms of honey bees for FREE!
To report a swarm, fill out the online "Report a Swarm" form.
No Mow May Proclamation from Mayor Peter Mercurio
The Village Board adopted a Resolution on April 18th in support of No Mow May. Residents are encouraged to leave lawns unmowed during the month of May to help the health of bees and other pollinators and wildlife. See more information here, including printable lawn signs:
NYSEG customers can arrange for free pickup of up to two qualifying appliances per address per year and receive a rebate of $50 per refrigerator and freezer and $10 per working air conditioner.
Think Spring! PLEASE consider alternatives to chemical treatments for lawns! See the Gnome link in the County newsletter for helpful tips for environmentally-friendly lawn care options. Also see a great option for proper disposal of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) - no waiting for an event!
Will Miller and his team of helpers constructed four custom picnic tables, specially designed with extended tabletops to accommodate persons with disabilities. They have been donated to the Village and will be placed throughout Hamlin Park. See more pictures here.
Will Miller is a senior at East Aurora High School and has been in scouting since joining Pack 514 as a Cub Scout. From there, Will joined Boy Scout Troop 513. Will is grateful for the support of his fellow troop members and leaders. Will credits his may helpers for his project - troop members and their fathers, saying the group effort was made possible by these great people who were simply "amazing." Will was able to raise the money for his Eagle Scout project and thanks the wonderful people of East Aurora for donating cans and bottles.
The Village extends our sincerest thanks to Will and all involved with his Eagle Scout project for making and donating these beautiful tables that are extra exceptional, proving accommodations for special persons!
Contact Village ADA Coordinator Cathryn Thomas at 716-652-6000, option 5, for any assistance, including large print copies of documents, information relayed audibly, or any other ADA-related need. Email contact:, or in person during business hours at 585 Oakwood Avenue, East Aurora.
Village Offices Closed Thursday & Friday, Nov. 25 & 26
Trash Collection Revised: 11/25 collected on 11/26; 11/26 collected on 11/27
Monday, November 15th at 7 p.m.
The Village Board is holding two new Public Hearings on cannabis:
A proposal to Opt Out of cannabis dispensaries within the Village
A proposal to Opt Out of cannabis consumption sites within the Village
All interested persons are encouraged to attend these hearings.
The Village DPW is planning on paving roads this week. Expect minor traffic issues.
Wednesday June 30- Warren Dr. and The Meadow
Thursday July 1- North St.
Friday July 2- Elm St, Park Pl and Walnut
New Joint Municipal Building - Town Hall & Village Hall - 575 & 585 Oakwood Avenue
The East Aurora-Town of Aurora Police Department is participating in the two-week,statewide, seat belt enforcement initiative, Buckle Up New York, May 24-June 6, 2021, as part of the New York Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee’s “Click It…Or Ticket” campaign. Patrol Officers will perform traffic stops in the village and town to enforce seatbelt laws. This zero-tolerance enforcement effort aims to increase seat belt use, which helps reduce fatalities and injuries in motor vehicle crashes.According to the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, “Regardless of a 93 percent seat belt compliance rate, on average more than a third of motor vehicle occupants killed in crashes each year are unrestrained.” New York State's seatbelt law is a primary law, which means a police officer may stop vehicles solely because the drivers or passengers are not wearing seatbelts.For additional information, contact: East Aurora-Town of Aurora Police Department,(716) 652-1111
Overnight parking is now permitted on Village streets!
Job duties include but are not limited to: Customer service, accounts payable, WC Insurance claims, mail, front counter operations, handling money, permits, answering phones, maintaining the mail machine and copy machine, records management, various board minutes, vital statistics, clerk meeting back-up plus additional clerk duties as assigned
Additional requirements: Proficient at MS Word and MS Excel; Must be able to read cursive; Notary a plus
Monday thru Friday 10:00AM-2:00PM with Wednesday 11:00AM-2:00PM; 19 hours a week; $22.00 an hour.
Please apply by sending your resume to Maureen Jerackas Clerk-Treasurer at use e-mail subject: Account Clerk-{your name}